If you are interested in a consultation, our coaching services, or have any questions at all, we would love to hear from you! You can either reach us at (714) 336-1148, or via email through the contact form.

When it comes to writing, publishing and marketing a book…this is the best-seller of all packages! Regardless of where you are in the process of writing your book, it is important to establish a marketing strategy, way before it is ready for print or publication. This package covers everything from identifying your market, creating a sales and marketing strategy, to identifying the title of your book as well as content development.

Learn how to market your book and sell it in bulk quantities. This package is for the author who has a book either already completely written or self-published!

This package is for the industry expert author who can develop a consulting or coaching business based on their knowledge and background. This package includes business strategy, identifying hourly rates, client development, and much more!

This package is for the author who feels their story is a movie and needs a screen play…This package may also include speaking with producers and film makers for the author who wants to potentially sell their rights for a movie, TV series, etc…

This package is for the individual who wants to either learn how to speak in front of an audience, or instantly increase their client database with measurable results. Minimize your preparation time, discover how natural public speaking can be and walk away with clients/customers from every talk you give!

This package is for the occasional writer who just needs to check in from time to time or write as they go… This package is great for free-lance writers, blog writers, screen play writers, etc. Here we cover end game, content development and flow, and how to effectively say what you really want to say!

This package is for the individual who wants to learn how to blog. Learn how to choose different angles to your writing that provoke thinking, inspiration and desired outcomes… Discover how blogging can increase your credibility and bottom line.