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For Speakers

All packages cover every genre and type of book including categories such as Self-development/Self-help, Children’s Books, Novels, Short Stories, Legacy Books, Industry Specific Manuals/Guides/Booklets/Pamphlets, and of course online versions of each type. Possibilities are endless with each package and vary according to the individual writer’s vision.

This package is for the individual who wants to either learn how to effectively speak in front of an audience, or instantly increase their client database with quantum results. Minimize your preparation time, and most importantly strategically plan your desired outcome for you and your audience. Discover how natural public speaking can be and walk away with potential clients/customers from every talk you give!

If you are interested in a consultation, my coaching services, or have any questions at all, I would love to hear from you! You can either reach me at (714) 336-1148, or via email through the contact form.